Cloud for Students

Darshan Ponikar
3 min readMay 31, 2021


Hello there, I hope you are Safe.

In this blog, I will give you a quick introduction to the journey of Cloud Computing. If you are a full beginner and want to use some cloud services free as students? Please go ahead and read this entire blog.

I am a full-stack developer in JavaScript and I often write applications and I always want to deploy it but where?

I always wonder where should I deploy my web app? It’s always challenging for me to find the perfect hosting provider.

As students, We don’t want to spend more money on Hosting Providers. We do have an idea. We wrote our app and it’s time to deploy our app but where?

I was aware of these Cloud services like AWS, GCP, Digital Ocean. But I was kinda afraid to deploy it. But one day I thought Let’s give it a shot.

I choose AWS Free Tier for deploying my web app. I wrote my app in Next.JS. Everything was fine. I made an account. I made my server configuration and finally, I deployed my web app on AWS.

I am spending around 1 dollar per month. Yes, you read it right. Around a dollar.

I made an instance of free micro instance and made a bucket to store my files.

My web app can handle moderate traffic in the free tier and at the beginning, Your site may not have that much amount of traffic but you also want to scale if you needed to. AWS lets you scale your web app to the moon.

If you are a student and want to deploy your app in the cloud. I would recommend you to choose either of these cloud services.

It depends on your App. If you are having any real-world idea and want to deploy your web app then maybe you don’t want to deploy your app in Free Hosting providers. You will not have a great experience. Free Hosting providers don’t handle much traffic and also They don’t give you decent performance.

Before you jump into the cloud I want to clear some points. If you are totally beginner, Watch some tutorials and read blogs about that particular cloud.

Always read carefully What kind of services they are providing for free.

Like in AWS they provide micro instance (2 GB and Decent CPU configuration), 5 GB Bucket Storage, etc. Mentioned below

Always remember CLOUD IS NOT A JOKE. Whatever services you are going to use, You are the only one who is responsible for that. You are going to provide your credit card details to them.

You don’t like to have unexpected bills from cloud services providers. They can be cost-effective If you used them properly.

Make a budget.

Always make a budget. If you want to spend around $5 per month. You would like to make a budget of $4 and trigger actions according to it. You can also trigger some actions if your budget reaches the threshold.

The budget will prevent unexpected bills from AWS.

Cloud is the perfect place to deploy your web app. But you need to take precautions and your users will be happy.

If you used to properly you will not spend more money behind hosting providers.

Thanks for reading. Let me know your thoughts in the Comment section. If you want to know more about particular clouds like AWS, GCP, Digital Ocean, etc. You can reach out and mail me.



Darshan Ponikar

Hey there, I am learning a Full stack development with JavaScript. I love to share my thoughts about The Full stack development with JavaScript.