How to get started with Web Development for Beginners!

Darshan Ponikar
2 min readMay 18, 2020


Hello there,

I am Darshan Ponikar and today we are going to talk about how to get started with web development!

I have been developing a website for 3 years and here I am going to tell you how to get started!

First of all, You have to learn basic HTML 5. It’s necessary to have a basic knowledge of HTML 5. Most people ignore this portion but I would highly encourage you to spend some time learning with HTML 5.

Learn some Basic tag i.e <Title>,<Head>,<Body>,<Input>,<Button>,<Section>,<Header>,<Form> etc.

So now, Let’s assume that you know some basic knowledge of HTML 5! Now what?

I would urge you to create a basic layout with the help of only HTML 5 tags. Create a basic website with only HTML 5. So you will get to know the use of HTML tags.

So now you have created a perfect layout with help of basic HTML 5. But how does it look? Probably you wouldn’t like it, Right?

Now learn some basic concepts of CSS. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet, which is used to apply designing on our website. You have seen some beautiful websites design on the Internet!

CSS is used to design the website. So it’s mandatory to have a basic knowledge of CSS.

Learn types of CSS. (You can get help from google)

Learn about CSS Selectors.

and So on.

You can take a reference from which is an open-source website used to learn the fundamental of core web development!

Let’s assume that you have a basic knowledge of CSS. now apply your skills to your old website. Which we have created in the previous section.

So now you have created a basic website by yourself.

Okay but what if you want to create a website that looks professional like another website.

You have to learn some advanced concepts of CSS or You can use FRAMEWORKS. Now you probably wondering what is it? for now, let’s just say It’s like pre-coded CSS files. which we can use in our projects!

Isn’t it cool? You can learn more about the Framework. There are a lot of frameworks available on the internet. Most of them are open source.

This was just a designing portion of the Website. But, what about functionality? We have to learn JavaScript for that.

For now, I think this is enough knowledge about “How to get started with Web Development for Beginners!

If you want to know more about Web development? Please let me know in Comment Section!

We will talk about JavaScript in the Second Blog!

Darshan Ponikar

Web Developer

CEO & Founder of Secret Crush 2020



Darshan Ponikar

Hey there, I am learning a Full stack development with JavaScript. I love to share my thoughts about The Full stack development with JavaScript.